Advanced Training: How to Get Your Dog to Pee in a New Spot
Potty training a puppy is a challenge in and of itself. But, when you need your older dog to switch from their old favorite spot to one that is more preferred, it can get tricky. But, it is possible to switch their mindset so that they will use the designated area and not just where they used to go.
As Daniel explains, it's much easier for a male handler to train a male puppy or dog. To put it lightly, the guys kind of engage in their own little "peeing contest." For females, however, (whether part of the human or dog world) that technique simply will not work.
So, there are a few tricks you can try, but it's important to remember that they may or may not work. It's just one of those things that may be unavoidable. Therefore, before embarking on the journey, be sure it is truly something you need to devote your time to.
Picking a New Spot
To begin this process of training, you need to pick a new spot for your dog's bathroom habits. Go around your home and see which spots would be best for your pup to use. You want them to be in an area that is easily accessible for the dog, but also where they won't get in trouble if they go.
Teaching Your Dog to Go in the New Spot
This is actually the most difficult part of this whole process. It may help to have them on a leash, close by your side as you guide them to their new spot. It may take some time and your dog may seem confused about why it can't go to its usual spot. So, be patient.
If it seems like your pup just isn't getting the message after a while, consider taking some of the dirt from its old spot and transferring it to the new spot. They will smell their marking and may be more inclined to go.
Keep in mind that if your dog is older (like an adult), it will probably take much longer to train than a puppy would. So, keep at it and understand this process might not be quick or seamless. But, you will eventually get there.
Do not punish them or give them any negative reinforcement when they go to the old spot. They won't understand why you're upset and will get confused and discouraged.
Once You Do Get There…
Be sure to give them a lot of praise and encouragement any time they use the designated area. Because if they do, that's a step in the right direction. So encourage them and be excited about it!
In a nutshell, this is a very involved process but one that is 100% possible to achieve. It just takes patience and understanding that it might take a really long time. However, the results are worth it, so keep at it!
Useful Ressources

Introducing a New Dog to Your Life
Introducing a new dog into your household can be stressful. Learn how to set the right framework for success before, during, and after introducing your pup!

Problem-Solving Theories
Learn how to correct dog behavior problems (including food possessiveness and aggression) in order to make your life with a dog so much easier.

The Basics of Dog Psychology
You love your dog, but do you really know what your pup is trying to tell you? Most people don't. Dogs have a complex language of their own, and if we want to learn how to communicate with them on a deep level, we need to understand this language better.

How Dogs Use Their Senses in Training
Learn ways to train your dog through sense-training exercises that will allow your pup to learn new commands while also stimulating their natural instincts.