How Do I Dominate My Puppy?

First, dominating a puppy is an unequal balance of power. A puppy doesn't know what it is or is not supposed to do. And, while it's usually best to avoid anthropomorphizing dogs, puppies and children do share a lot of the same behavioral characteristics in the early stages of life. Would you ask someone for advice on how to dominate your child? Probably not. So why would you do the same with your puppy?


Second, dogs are social animals and need structure and leadership in their lives. Just like humans, puppies need to know what the rules are and who is in charge. Without this structure, they can become anxious and stressed, which can lead to a whole host of behavioral problems.


So, get rid of the idea that you are going to dominate your puppy or dog. Instead, focus on training yourself to be the leader of the dog. This means being calm, confident, and consistent in the handling of your pup. Dogs are very intuitive and can sense when someone is unsure of themselves. If you're not confident in your own abilities, your puppy will pick up on that and may start to test you. 


Be the leader of your pack and your puppy will follow.


Third, when it comes to dominating a puppy, remember that physical force is never the answer. Hitting, yelling, or otherwise physically punishing a puppy will only serve to make them afraid of you and can lead to aggression down the road. 


Instead, focus on positive reinforcement training methods, such as treats, praise, and petting. These will do a much better job of teaching your puppy what you want them to do, and they won't be afraid of you in the process.


Following these three simple tips will help you to become the leader of your pack and establish a healthy, happy relationship with your puppy. Please consider signing up for our dog training course videos. Daniel offers great insights and demonstrations that will teach you the fundamentals of dog training. You'll be off to building yourself as a leader and transferring that knowledge effortlessly to your dog training sessions.

Become close with your Dog

Daniel Barrett’s emotionally intelligent approach to dog training has created a large following of dog owners who feel that their relationship with their dog has transformed substantially.

Become close with your Dog

Daniel Barrett’s emotionally intelligent approach to dog training has created a large following of dog owners who feel that their relationship with their dog has transformed substantially.

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