Can a Puppy Go All Night Without Water?
As a new puppy owner, it's common to have our parental instincts kick in and we want to treat a dog like a human infant. But, anthropomorphizing dogs is never a good idea. They are not little people in furry suits. Instead, they are a different species with their own set of needs and behaviors.
One question new puppy owners often ask is whether their pup can go all night without water. After all, we need to sleep for 8 hours or more, so why can't our puppies? The answer is complicated and has to do with a puppy's physiology and behavior.
Puppies rely on their mother's milk for hydration and nutrition for the first few weeks of life. After weaning, they start to drink water but they don't need as much as an adult dog. Once they have all their adult teeth (around 6 months old), they can drink as much water as they need.
But, there's another difference between human babies and puppies: Dogs are primal creatures. Their physiology is adapted to the wild. Wolves don't have a food and water dish inside their dens. When they need water, they must travel a distance to find a fresh water source. Therefore, puppies must follow their mothers or pack to a water source.
So, as Daniel explains, aside from having a medical condition, puppies are usually just fine going the night without water. It's important to appease some of the primal instincts in your dog.
With that said, for the proper health of the puppy, you should give them plenty of water, food, exercise, stimulation, and training sessions every single day. Fulfilling their needs during the day will help to prevent accidents and injuries when they don't have access to food and water at night. Of course, if your puppy is showing signs of dehydration, such as lethargy, dry gums, increased heart rate, or sunken eyes, you should take them to the veterinarian immediately.
But, by starting them early with crate training (emulating a den), and not allowing them to have access to food and water throughout the night, they will be better-adjusted dogs.
Looking for a better way to train your dog? The Beacon Dog Academy is the perfect place to start. Our online dog training course offers tips and tricks that are guaranteed to help you and your furry friend get along better.
With our course, you'll get lifetime access to our video lessons, which cover everything from basic obedience commands to solving problem behaviors. Be sure to follow us on TikTok and YouTube for more tips and advice. Then, sign up for The Beacon Dog Academy today!
Useful Ressources

Introducing a New Dog to Your Life
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The Primal Power of Food
How to motivate your dog using food. Learn how to use food throughout your dog’s life to get the best out of them. Become an expert in motivating your dogs!

Key Training Tools and Gear
As a dog trainer, you need the right tools to make training your dog easier. Learn how to choose the best dog training tools and gear for training sessions.

Focus and Attention
The Beacon Dog Academy is a fun, interactive experience for dogs and their owners that will help you build laser-sharp attention skills in any environment.

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