How Do I Establish Dominance Over My Dog?
To be an effective leader of the pack for your dog, you must learn how to establish your dominance. For many, that statement conjures images of humans acting like wild dogs and trying to assert their dominance by showing aggression. More accurately, you want to be a benevolent alpha-wolf that your dog respects and that can lead them without being too stern or aggressive with them.
As Daniel explains, it's important to not allow yourself to fall into the misnomer that you need to behave like a wild animal to establish dominance. In reality, your dog is more likely to view you as a friend that they need to respect rather than an enemy.
"What I want is through training and a structured environment that they live in all the time, and understanding that I am the de-facto alpha. Not from a dominating perspective, rather a perspective that food comes from me. Walks come from me. Training and interactive sessions come from me. Mental stimulation comes from me. Safety comes from me."
All of these things are basic concepts that all dogs understand. If you present yourself as the source of these things, your dog will respect you and begin to look up to you in the same way they would a leader of their pack. Establishing your leadership brings about another important aspect of creating a structured environment - consistency.
With your dog understanding that you are the leader, they will look up to you for guidance. However, if you are always insecure that you are the leader, your dog picks up on that. They see your hesitation and will react accordingly. When you offer a command, be confident that it is a command and do not allow yourself to back down.
Always remember: If you show any signs of weakness or insecurity, your dog will exploit them.
Useful Ressources

Introduction to The Beacon Dog Training Course
Looking for a practical, easy-to-understand online dog training course that will translate into positive results? Try Daniel's step-by-step approach.

Focus and Attention
The Beacon Dog Academy is a fun, interactive experience for dogs and their owners that will help you build laser-sharp attention skills in any environment.

Problem-Solving Theories
Learn how to correct dog behavior problems (including food possessiveness and aggression) in order to make your life with a dog so much easier.

The Primal Power of Food
How to motivate your dog using food. Learn how to use food throughout your dog’s life to get the best out of them. Become an expert in motivating your dogs!

The Basics of Dog Psychology
You love your dog, but do you really know what your pup is trying to tell you? Most people don't. Dogs have a complex language of their own, and if we want to learn how to communicate with them on a deep level, we need to understand this language better.

Popular Dog Training Methods
There are many dog training methods, each technique having valuable use in different scenarios. So, how do you choose the right training program for your dog?

How to Get Your Dog to Focus on You
Many people have difficulties with their dogs not paying attention to them and getting distracted by other things. This can be a complicated problem, but there are some ways that you can work on it!