How Do I Stop my Dog From Pulling on Walks?


Getting your dog to stop pulling on walks is one of the most common and seemingly difficult challenges dog owners face. This usually leads to a frantic stop-and-go encounter during walks, where the dog gets all excited when you get the leash out and then drags you down the street like you're hooked up to a plow.


So, what can you do to stop this annoying (and potentially dangerous) behavior? As Daniel explains, it comes down to some very basic fundamentals of dog training:


  • Correct training
  • Structure
  • Using a prong collar correctly
  • Training yourself to anticipate possible issues before they become issues with pre-emptive corrections


For example, what do most people do when their dog is pulling on walks? They pull back. The only thing that's going to get you anywhere with your dog is being consistent, not being inconsistent. 


It sounds basic, but it works. If every time your dog pulls on the lead, stop walking to stand still until they stop pulling, it goes back to teaching them that you're the one calling the shots.


As Daniel explains in the Beacon Dog training course, "That's all your dog wants - to go for a walk with his leader." You must show your dog that you are the leader it needs in its life. If you don't, pulling will become the default behavior in all walks with your dog.


A great thing to remember when you're on a walk with your dog is that everything counts - every action you take when out walking together with your pet add up to create either good or bad habits.


If your goal is to have a perfectly trained dog that you can take anywhere on any public walk, then start training for it early. But more importantly, don't forget the basics of leadership, structure, and consistency.

Become close with your Dog

Daniel Barrett’s emotionally intelligent approach to dog training has created a large following of dog owners who feel that their relationship with their dog has transformed substantially.

Become close with your Dog

Daniel Barrett’s emotionally intelligent approach to dog training has created a large following of dog owners who feel that their relationship with their dog has transformed substantially.

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