Can Dogs See in the Dark?
When it comes to night vision, dogs have a decided advantage over humans. Dogs have more light-sensitive cells in their eyes, and they also have a reflective layer at the back of the eye, called the tapetum lucidum. This layer helps to reflect light back into the eye, which allows the dog to see better in low-light situations.
However, while dogs may have better night vision than humans, they still cannot see in complete darkness. Their eyes need at least some level of light in order to see.
Regardless of their level of ability to see in the darkness, there is something else to know about dogs that can aid in your training efforts. Unlike humans, dogs don't use sight as the dominant sense to understand the world around them. Their primary senses are smell and hearing, with sight coming in at a distant third. This is why dogs often seem to be looking off into the distance when they are trying to listen to something or smell something.
As Daniel explains:
"Dogs first 'see' with their nose, then they see with their ears, and then they see with their eyes. This is in contrast to humans in the dark, we will first squint to try to see, then we use our ears, and the last is the sense of smell."
So, if you're working on training your dog, it's important to keep this in mind. Dogs don't rely on sight as much as humans do, so you'll need to use other methods to get their attention and keep them focused on you. This can include using treats to engage the primal power of food, verbal commands, and even physical touch.
And, if you're working on training your dog for activities that involve sight in the evening or at night, it's important to have some kind of light source available. This can be a lamp, a flashlight, or even the light from a TV or computer screen. With a little patience and understanding, you can train your dog effectively, regardless of their level of night vision.
Do you want to be a better dog trainer? The Beacon Dog Academy offers great insights and demonstrations that will teach you the fundamentals of dog training. It is the perfect place for you if you're looking to improve your dog training skills. Sign up today!
Useful Ressources
Introduction to The Beacon Dog Training Course
Looking for a practical, easy-to-understand online dog training course that will translate into positive results? Try Daniel's step-by-step approach.
Problem-Solving Theories
Learn how to correct dog behavior problems (including food possessiveness and aggression) in order to make your life with a dog so much easier.
The Primal Power of Food
How to motivate your dog using food. Learn how to use food throughout your dog’s life to get the best out of them. Become an expert in motivating your dogs!
How Dogs Use Their Senses in Training
Learn ways to train your dog through sense-training exercises that will allow your pup to learn new commands while also stimulating their natural instincts.
How to Get Your Dog to Focus on You
Many people have difficulties with their dogs not paying attention to them and getting distracted by other things. This can be a complicated problem, but there are some ways that you can work on it!
Why is My Dog So Distracted?
Modern dogs tend to be quite spoiled. As a result, they have the luxury of paying attention to just about everything else besides you. So, how can you change this perception?
How Do Dogs Sleep at Night?
Dogs are actually quite restless sleepers. Although they may curl up and appear to be sleeping soundly, their brains are actually quite active.